Ductility and tensile strength of the fibre-reinforced concrete in the post-cracking phase, depends on several factors, including the composition of the concrete, the length and the aspect ratio of the fibres. To ensure high performances, it is necessary to balance the tensile strength of fibres with the extraction force of the fibre itself from the cement matrix. FIBRAG fibres, thanks to a rectangular section and so fitted with a greater surface area of contact with the cement matrix, they guarantee top performances of the fibre-reinforced concrete. Several series have been created, to satisfy all project requirements, including the MT series for common needs, HT series for the structural elements of concrete, for elements that are subjected to high loads and the SHT series for engineering works completely designed and realized with fibre-reinforced concrete.
The technical service at FIBROCEV is available to designers to contribute, backed by its own experience, to identifying the optimal fibre reinforcement according to the engineering problems to be solved.